Treatments Sheets

Written instructions increase patient’s treatment compliance. Much more than the typical patient take-home fact-sheet, Treatment Sheets are designed to save you time and to give patients take-home information specific to their situation including: • General information describing the condition. • Treatment options and instructions with check boxes. • Space for listing medication and follow-up visit information. Pads are 50 sheets each and are available in six versions: Topics include: Computer Vision Syndrome, Corneal Abrasion, Dry Eye, Eye Drops & Ointment, Eyelid Problems, Keratoconus.

Publications Title
Treatments Sheets
Quantity ABB OneBill Price List Price
1 Pad 12 15
2 Pads 16.50 20
4 Pads 27.50 32
6 Pads 39 44.50
10 Pads 60.50 69